Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The regulated family unit, mandatory vaccines and why it must be so.

Hello folks, touching base on an important issue for lots of folks. Today a post on one of my vaccine FB groups caught my eye. Of course i don't think it needs to be said that i am anti-vax for a number of reasons, most non vaccine related. The post had to deal with mandatory vaccines, and i wanted to clue everyone into why these WILL be coming, the reasons behind it, and what you can do about it.

As the title suggests, we must start with the family first.

As we all know, or at least should know, the family is the most essential building block of ANY society. It forms the basis of any society you can think of, and as the basis for our society, and promoting the "general welfare" of our society, it is the states number one priority.

Lets look at some cases to see what the courts think or thought about the family unit. Now some of these are old cases, maybe even overturned. We are not writing a legal document however,we are simply looking for their reasoning, aka why they do what they do.

First, lets visit an Illinois Appellate Court judgment from 1997:
Appellate Court of Illinois, NO. 5-97-0108:
Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state.
Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.
…When two people decide to get married, they are required to first procure a license from the State. If they have children of this marriage, they are required by the State to submit their children to certain things, such as school attendance and vaccinations. Furthermore, if at some time in the future the couple decides the marriage is not working, they must petition the State for a divorce. Marriage is a three-party contract between the man, the woman, and the State
Linneman v. Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d 48, 50, 116 N.E.2d 182, 183 (1953), citing Van Koten v. Van Koten, 323 Ill. 323, 326, 154 N.E. 146 (1926).
The State represents the public interest in the institution of marriage.
Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d at 50, 116 N.E.2d at 183 (1953).
This public interest is what allows the State to intervene in certain situations to protect the interests of members of the family.   The State is like a silent partner in the family who is not active in the everyday running of the family but becomes active and exercises its power and authority only when necessary to protect some important interest of family life.   Taking all of this into consideration, the question no longer is whether the State has an interest or place in disputes such as the one at bar, but it becomes a question of timing and necessity.
Also, this case law states…
The state has a wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things affecting the child’s welfare… In fact, the entire familial relationship involves the State.
Prince, 321 U.S. at 167, 64 S.Ct. at 442, 88 L.Ed. 645.

This thinking has "trickled down" to us thanks to government propaganda, and we become a self policing belief zombie like the author of this blog...

look at this gem in the rough that he posted....

Parents are responsible for protecting that interest as best they can, but matters of public health are also something we delegate to the state. The state has a responsibility to protect the interests of not only children but all of its citizens. Preventing disease and stopping epidemics is part of this.

So not only do you have to fight the state, you have these folks out there willing giving shit up. So be afraid friends because sooner or later, mandatory vaccines for the "general welfare, public good, public interest" will be getting forced down your throat.

They will do this in a problem, reaction, solution type of ordeal.

When they pass mandatory vax, if you run, hide, try to fight it out, you will get burned out like at waco, they will label you domestic terrorists and guys like the author of that blog will cheer about it.

What can you do? You are a subject, if you think you are not, try not paying your taxes. As a member of society, you are bound by their rules, thats the deal. 

The only way out is to not be a part of their society.

No this does not mean go live in the woods off grid, no this does not mean move to the Congo region. 

Society is a fiction, meaning it only exists in our minds. This concept seems strange to you because you think you can see society everywhere around you. Those are just men and women, cars and buildings. Society is the term we give for all of us collectively acting together for common goals.

There is no "state" of anything. Its made up, by us, to describe an area of land we hold power over. 

The old ways of thinking are over folks, you have to get on a higher level of critical thinking. Cast aside those beliefs, and hit the books, keep an open mind by not believing ANYTHING. Its ok to just have an idea, or a theory, there is no reason to hold a belief if at all possible.

This is not an easy path friends, its long hours of research and testing theories in discussion. You can not talk of most of your new knowledge, because most folks are to busy "living the dream" to have any interesting in learning something they are not forced to do (unless its a hobby). 

The workings of our government are easy to see for me because i see the true nature of how societies begin and work. I fear not the government because i know who i am, what my relationship is to them and my creator (be it God or Nature). The information to help one learn is there, the only problem is the will to learn and the ability to learn (beliefs play a part here).

I have tons of books in my file section of my FB group, and plenty of minds for out of the box discussion as well.

Remember, the more you know, the more you realize that you know nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Keep an open mind by not believing ANYTHING. Its ok to just have an idea, or a theory, there is no reason to hold a belief if at all possible. That's what you call an open mind and do not believe a state or the state.
