Sunday, October 29, 2017


TITLE III.—OF THE EVIDENCE OF THE CIVIL STATE. 223. After having examined how civil rights are acquired and lost, it is proper now to consider how the civil state is proved. This may be done by proof of possession, by witnesses, by private writings and by public registers. And this proof relates to the birth, marriage, or death of the individual. When written evidence exists as to the time and circumstances of the birth, marriage, or death of an individual, made by public authority, or a register such as is recognized by law, it must be produced as being the best evidence the case will admit, but, when such writ ten evidence does not exist, parol evidence may be given to establish those facts. 224. Proof of the birth of a child may be made by giving evidence of possession. When a child lives with his reputed father and mother, as such, proof of these facts will, in general, be sufficient prima facie to establish the fact of his legitimacy, and that he is what his condition represents him to be. His civil state may also be proved by the testimony of witnesses, as where the witness was present at the accouchement ; or by private writings, such as entries in a bible ; or by the correspondence of deceased members of his family, (a) It may also be established by public registers, authorized by law to be kept. (6) 225. The civil state of marriage is proved either by direct evidence, establishing the fact, or by evidence of collateral facts and circumstances, from which its existence may be inferred. What is evidence for this purpose will be more fully considered when we come to examine what are the sufficient proofs of a marriage. (c)

Institutes of American Law 1851

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Step 3

Now that we have got the learning part down, we can actually start to apply what we are learning. The intent part is the longest part of changing our domicile and status. Only thru a mans actions can you tell his intent. And what is his intent, what is he trying to say thru his actions?

Two modes in life.
1. Subject, usually a member of a society, but in some places might actually still be a slave.
2. Free man, not a member of society, owing nothing to anyone but himself/kin.

Would a free man be getting a local library card by saying he is a member/resident of the fictional society? Or would he be paying a few dollars extra for the non resident card?

Society has a lot of benefits they use to entrap you with, it ain't all food stamps and section 8.

National banks are instrumentalities of the federal government, created for a public purpose, and as such necessarily subject to the paramount authority of the United States. It follows that an attempt by a state to define their duties or control the conduct of their affairs is absolutely void wherever such attempted exercise of authority expressly conflicts with the laws of the United States and either frustrates the purpose of the national legislation or impairs the efficiency of these agencies of the federal government to discharge the duties for the performance of which they were created. These principles are axiomatic, and are sanctioned by the repeated adjudications of this Court.

How else besides not engaging in the benefits for obligation scheme the government has going can we express our intent? 

I love to use public declarations, lets tell everyone what we are thinking, let us match our words to our actions, in order to create the intent.

Intent is a huge part, if you want to be free in the future, i suggest you start showing your intent today.

STEP 3 part 2

Statutes and statutory construction

One thing everyone needs to understand, if you can not read this stuff, you are better off just being a sheep. In order to find out if laws apply to us, or why they apply to us, we have to understand what they are telling us.

For the sanity of us all, never ever take another mans word on what something means, be it a case, statute, contract or anything else of importance in your life. Everyone sees things differently because of their beliefs.

I went and grabbed a link for a book to help you with this part, the hard part is tearing yourself away from the tv/facebook in order to read it. Remember knowledge only comes to those who look for it.

Time to get busy folks.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Both these groups should be avoided....

It seems the guru's are at it again, fighting among themselves. Sadly both of them are idiots of the highest order, only fun times in jail with these folks leading the pack.

Judge Anna Von Ditz


The government of the united states of america 1781/ T - R.O.H.

I love being subject to idiots, and these folks do not disappoint. All the drama, action and excitement you can handle.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Step 2

After reading the 1st step (, we are now ready to take information from any source and view it objectively.
Our second step is also an exercise in understanding, that understanding takes us back to the days when wo/men first walked the earth. We must understand how societies formed, how they operate before we can understand how we are trapped in this society.
My research has shown that societies form when wo/men come together for some mutual benefit, back then, protection was almost a given as the reason. As with any contract, obligations were added as well as benefits.
Looking at any society in history, you will see certain benefits each society gave to it's members, and also the obligations each individual had to the whole.
How did society know which member owed what obligation and was owed what benefit?
Enter the concept of "status"
Hoebel tells us in his book "man in the primitive world", in which he has a whole chapter dedicated to status. Its actually to long to type so i will include a picture of the pages.
Suffice to say, every society has broken down its members by whats known as "status". We all know slaves were considered property, but what most dont know is it is the concept of status that allowed them to be classified as property.
Status is still active today in our society, status is simply the roles we play with respect to the different rights and duties associated with each one.
The status of Husband/Wife has different rights and duties then the status of Father/Mother.
Status plays such an important part of your life, and here is how. Google your state statutes or google US code. Notice that most law applies to "person/s".
A person is a wo/man with a status, blacks law defines it as a man according to the rank he holds in society.
Status can also be researched by looking up "legal character" or "legal personality".
Notice how the law says that a fetus is not a "person", that should of been a clue to all of us.
Of course the concept goes much deeper then my little post here, but hopefully we can now understand that a society can not have members that are free. And as society proceeds any form of government they may pick, it really matters little what form of government they do pick, as they are members and subjects under each and every one of them.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Minnesota rule 220

I find instead of being able to spend time researching real law, i have to spend my time battling nonsense put out by the patritards. In this edition we hear that Minnesota rule 220 (which only applys to court procedure for folks domiciled in Minnesota) is somehow proof that your BC is a title to your legal fiction.

I am so excited to get started and finally see the proof, as you are as well i am sure, so lets take a look shall we?

Rule 220.Birth CertificatesThe Registrar of Titles is authorized to receive for registration of memorials upon any outstanding certificate of title an official birth certificate pertaining to a registered owner named in said certificate of title showing the date of birth of said registered owner, providing there is attached to said birth certificate an affidavit of an affiant who states that he/she is familiar with the facts recited, stating that the party named in said birth certificate is the same party as one of the owners named in said certificate of title; and that thereafter the Registrar of Titles shall treat said registered owner as having attained the age of the majority at a date 18 years after the date of birth shown by said certificate.
Task Force Comment - 1991 Adoption
This rule is derived from 4th Dist. R. 11.05.

                                                                                                                                                           I dont see anywhere in there it saying the BC is title to your fiction, do you?
                                                                                                                                                           Let me quote it again and this time i will add in my comments.

                                                                                                                                                           Rule 220.Birth CertificatesThe Registrar of Titles is authorized to receive for registration of memorials(correction) upon any outstanding certificate of title an official birth certificate(basically this is saying that when a correction is made on an outstanding cert of title, a BC can be used to prove age, as noted below) pertaining to a registered owner named in said certificate of title showing the date of birth(because the BC is used to verify age) of said registered owner, providing there is attached to said birth certificate an affidavit of an affiant who states that he/she is familiar with the facts recited, stating that the party named in said birth certificate is the same party as one of the owners named in said certificate of title; and that thereafter the Registrar of Titles shall treat said registered owner as having attained the age of the majority at a date 18 years after the date of birth shown by said certificate.
Task Force Comment - 1991 Adoption
This rule is derived from 4th Dist. R. 11.05.

                                                                                                                                                           This "rule" which does not apply to 90% of Americans, still does not mean what they try to say it does.

Here is another link discussing this very same rule .......

                                                                                                                                                           This is whats called patritard crap folks, lets put our thinking caps on shall we?

Monday, October 9, 2017


An interesting case that discusses domicile and its effects. It is from 1837, so the information in the case pretty much invalidates the 14th amendment did it crew, as well as the BC/SSN sold us into slavery theorists.

POLYDORE V. PRINCE. [1 Ware (402) 411.]

The general doctrine of foreign jurists seems to be, that the state of the person, that is, his legal capacity to do, or not to do, certain acts is to be determined by the law of his domicil, so that if he has by that law, the free administration of his goods, or the right to maintain an action in a court of justice there, he has the same capacity everywhere; and if that capacity is denied to him by the law of his domicil, it is denied everywhere; that the laws determining the civil qualities of the person, called by the foreign jurists personal statutes, follow the person wherever he goes, as the shadow follows the body, and adhere to him like the color of the skin which is impressed by the climate.

Personal statutes are those which relate primarily to the person, and determine the civil privileges and disabilities, the legal capacity or incapacity of the individual, and do not affect his goods, but as they are accessory to the person. Such are those which relate to birth, legitimacy, freedom, majority or minority, capacity to enter into contracts, to make a will, to be a party to an action in a court of justice, with others of the like kind. Repertoire de Jurisprudence, mot “Statut.” According to this principle, a person who is a major or a minor, a slave or a freeman, has, or has not a capacity to appear as a party to an action in a court of justice, stare in judicio, in his own country, has the same capacities and disabilities wherever he may be.

The Code Napoleon has erected what seems to be the prevailing doctrine among the continental civilians into a positive law. “The laws concerning the state or capacity of persons govern Frenchmen, even when residing in a foreign country.” Code Civile, art. 3. If this general principle is to be received without qualification, it would seem to decide the present case at once, for it is admitted that in Guadaloupe where the libellant has his domicil, he can maintain no action in a court of justice. But though the principle is stated in these broad and general terms, yet when it is brought to a practical application in its various modifications, in the actual business of life, it is found to be qualified by so many exceptions and limitations, that the principle itself is stripped of a great part of its imposing authority. No nation, it is believed, ever gave it effect in its practical jurisprudence, in its whole extent.

Among these personal statutes, for which this ubiquity is claimed, are those which formerly over the whole of Europe, and still over a 952 large part of it, divide the people into different castes, as nobles and plebeians, clergy and laity. The favored classes were entitled to many personal privileges and immunities particularly beneficial and honorable to themselves.

It cannot be supposed that these immunities would be allowed in a country which admitted no such distinctions in its domestic policy. If a bill in equity were filed in one of our courts against an English nobleman temporarily resident here, would he be allowed to put in an answer upon his honor, and not under oath, because he was entitled to that personal privilege in the forum of his domicil? I apprehend not. In like manner the disqualification and incapacities, by which persons may be affected by the municipal institutions of their own country, will not be recognized against them in countries by whose laws no such disqualifications are acknowledged.

In England a person who has incurred the penalties of a premunire, or has suffered the process of outlawry against him, can maintain no action for the recovery of a debt, or the redress of a personal wrong. But would it be contended that because he could not maintain an action in the forum of his domicil he could have no remedy on a contract entered into, or a tort done to him within our jurisdiction? The reasons upon which an action is denied him in the forum of his domicil are peculiar to that country, and have no application within another jurisdiction. The incapacity is created for causes that relate entirely to the domestic and internal polity of that country. As soon as he has passed beyond its territorial limits, the reason of his incapacity ceases to operate, and in justice the incapacity should cease also.

It follows that the peculiar personal status, as to his capacities or incapacities, which an individual derives from the law of his domicil, and which are imparted only by that law, is suspended when he gets beyond the sphere in which that law is in force. And when he passes into another jurisdiction his personal status becomes immediately affected by a new law, and he has those personal capacities only which the local law allows.

The civil capacities and incapacities with which he is affected by the law of his domicil, cannot avail either for his benefit or to his prejudice, any further than as they are coincident with those recognized by the local law, or as that community may, on principles of national comity, choose to adopt the foreign law. Though the civilians, as has been observed, generally, hold that the law of the domicil should govern as to the personal status, it is by no means true that they are universally agreed. Voet, one of the most eminent, of whom it has been said that by his clearness and logic he merits the title of the geometer of jurisprudence (Merl. Quest de Droit Confession, § 2, note 1), after stating that such is the opinion of the majority, “plurium opinio,” gives his own opinion in decisive terms, that personal statutes, as well as those relating to things, are limited in their operation to the country by which they are established; and he supports his opinion by the authority of the Roman law, as well as by that plain and obvious axiom of the jus gentium, that the legislative power of every government is confined to its own territorial limits. Ad Pand. lib. 1, tit. 4, pt. 2, notes 5, 7, 8. Gail, who has been styled the Papinian of Germany, maintains the same opinion in terms equally positive. Pract. Obs. lib. 8, Obs. 122, note 11

“The entire change of the legal character of individuals, produced by a change of local situation, is far from being a novelty in the law. A residence in a new country introduces a change of legal condition, which imposes rights and obligations totally inconsistent with the former rights and obligations of the same persons. Persons bound by particular contracts which restrain their liberty, debtors, apprentices, and others, lose their character and condition for the time, when they reside in another country, and are entitled as persons totally free, though they return to their original servitude and obligations upon coming back to the country they 955 had quitted.”

You can read the whole case in my groups files section

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Public declaration for claim on vehicle.


   Now comes Randall Flagg, a living man, demanding that any person or entity that has a claim/ security interest and/or legal title to my automobile (make/model/vin) make themselves known or forfeit their claim forever.   Also be it known that any property related or attached to my private property, in the form of any ownership documents must be returned to me. If found to be in possession of my private property after this date, the fee associated for unlawfull being in possession of my private property will be 10,000. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, this is your notice. If someone uses my ownership documents and/or legal title to gain jurisdiction over my automobile, or to convert my automobile into a motor vehicle, the liability for those actions are 25,000.

Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.