It seems every time there is a mass shooting, the battle cry of "think of the children" is used to spark some sort of debate about why law abiding citizens should submit to more regulations and restrictions.
Now forgetting the mass amounts of debate we do on the gun issue, i want to focus on the "think of the children" issue.
Clearly the slogan "think of the children" is meant to get an emotional response and not a logical one, most people can see that, but do we in fact "think of the children" normally?
Lets look at a day in the life of an average kid.
7am wake up -- usually from sleeping on a bed and pillow soaked in fire retardant chemicals, um they love sniffing that in all night.
7:30 eat breakfast -- Usually crammed with enough sugar and food dyes to kill a horse. i wont go into how they bleach sugar or gmo's or food dyes, i mean, you care about your child so you have clearly researched this stuff and no longer feed it to your kid.
8 am --- time to get the little one dressed, here is where we care enough to show them that being a consumer of overpriced items to display our true self is what we should be doing, remember peer acceptance is everything.
(note here, remember to think of the children enough to research the vaccines needed to go to public school)
8:30 am, on the bus -- hey i know seatbelts save lives and the state steals money from us if we dont have them in our personal cars, but since we care about the kids and all, we dont put seatbelts in school buses. Because we care and all that.....
9am school -- and what a day it is, lets start the day with a little nationalism and statism by pledging our servitude to our master. Then we can move on to memorizing the beliefs our master wants us to, remember we will be tested on these false beliefs, so we better beat them into our head. This blog is filled with info on public school, which mind you, for me, a man actually concerned for my childs well being, found with not much trouble. Once i decided to look that is......
12 noon lunch time -- more of that gmo,sugary, food dyed love for you kids. And we wonder why our kids are sick.
1 pm Med time -- time for those tasty meds the majority of school kids get so they can better swallow the beliefs their masters "school" them with. Got to fit into society right, got to be normal, got to be a consumer.
3pm schools out, back on the bus home --- Nowits time to think about what i am doing after school, most likely either a tablet, tv or playstation type device. This allows my parents to care for me without having to see me.
Not some of these we are all guilty of, some of these like gmo food can not be helped unless you are rich. But please dont act like you are "thinking of the children" when it comes to guns, because as we can all see, you aint "thinking of the children" for most of their lives.
Oh i know, its the way society is, you have to go along to get along and all of that.
Be the fucking change.
this will be my last post for a month or so as i have things needing to be done, i will return, and i will have much more to share with you, so be on the lookout.