Hello folks, back with you again to discuss some misunderstandings. One i have went over a couple of times now. However beliefs are strong on this topic, so we must go at it again. There seems to be this disconnect that people can not seem to get past.
Let me be as forthright as i can be, There is NO magical society were men are free.
I know the common belief is that we were free and then something happened(depends on your flavor of patrinut kool aid) and we were subjects.
This is not the case, and never was the case. There are many posts detailing this very fact, everything from court cases to legal books from before the 14th amendment.
The Birth Certificate is not what binds you, The SS number is not what binds you, The voter registration is not what binds you.
Domicile in a political fiction is what binds you, what "creates" the legal fiction called "person".
Understanding this point is critical to you getting out of the system. The BC/SS,etc is just evidence of your intent to be a member of the body. The key and ONLY way out is thru domicile including intent. There is one way only, dont be fooled by these folks that say its different for everyone,etc. Who here thinks the government planned an exit for each and every one of us? Lets think for a minute here folks, just let the terror dome, one way in, one way out, for everybody.
Back to the non free society, here is a link to an earlier blog post, complete with court cases and legal books from before the 14th.
Now lets go further, did these "free" state citizens have any property taxes before the 14th?
Constitutionalizing Uniformity in the Nineteenth Century
In 1796 seven of the fifteen states levied uniform capitation taxes. Twelve taxed some or all livestock. Land was taxed in a variety of ways, but only four states taxed the mass of property by valuation. No state constitution required that taxation be by value or required that rates on all kinds of property be uniform. In 1818, Illinois adopted the first uniformity clause. Missouri followed in 1820, and in 1834 Tennessee replaced a provision requiring that land be taxed at a uniform amount per acre with a provision that land be taxed according to its value (ad valorem). By the end of the century thirty-three states had included uniformity clauses in new constitutions or had amended old ones to include the requirement that all property be taxed equally by value. A number of other states enacted uniformity statutes requiring that all property be taxed. Table 1 summarizes this history.
So we see that before the 14th amendment, state citizens were taxed on a variety of items and activities. Which makes sense as they were members of the community and have obligations to support their community.
Lets see what else we can find. Here is a digest of georgia state statutes before 1850, see if you can find some freedom in it.
Get over your belief on this point, and start researching it.